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Year, Winner

2017, “Friends of Pleasant Bay, Harwich, MA”

2016, “Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation (CFRF), Saunderstown, RI”

2015, “Northeast Fisheries Science Center – Ecosystem Survey Branch, Woods Hole, MA”
2014, none
2013, “SMAST Marine Fisheries Field Research Group of the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA”

2012, none

2011, “Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, Narragansett, RI”

2010, “Ipswich River Watershed Association, Ipswich, MA”

2009, “Cape Cod (MA) Commercial Hook Fishermen’s Association”

2008, “NOAA Southern New England Restoration Centers – Narragansett, RI and Gloucester, MA”

2007, “CT DEP Bureau of Natural Resources, Inland and Marine Fisheries Divisions”

2006, none

2005, none

2004, none

2003, none

2002, none

2001, “Connecticut River/Harbor Watch – The Nature Center for Environmental Studies, Westport, CT”

2000, “Organizations involved with Shepaug River water diversion lawsuit: Town of Washington, Town of Roxbury, Shepaug River Watershed Association, Roxbury Land Trust (all CT)”

2000, “Save the Bay, Providence, RI”

1999, “Milone and MacBroom, Inc., Cheshire, CT”

1999, “Coalition for Buzzards Bay, New Bedford, MA”

1998, “Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, MA”

1997, “CT DEP Fisheries Division, Hartford, CT”


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