How to Join

The first step to becoming a member of AFS SNEC is to join the American Fisheries Society.


There are 3 ways to then become a member of the Southern New England Chapter of AFS.

1. When you join AFS for the first time, or renew your American Fisheries Society membership and are asked to choose what local Chapters you would like to join, find and click on the box that says “Southern New England Section”.  Dues are currently $15.00 for regular members and $10 for retirees. Student dues for those who join AFS are $0.00.

2.  If you have already paid your AFS dues for the year, but would like to join a local chapter or section, call or email AFS Membership Manager Kelly Kotche.

3. Individuals and organizations may joint the chapter as affiliate members by paying $35 annually to the chapter Treasurer. Affiliate members are not required to maintain a membership with the parent society, but are also prohibited from standing for election or holding and elected office in the chapter and voting in chapter elections.

-You will be a part of a group of 160+ AFS members who share your interest in local fisheries science
-You will receive a quarterly newsletter via email that contains updates on your colleagues’ projects and activities
-You will be eligible for the Member price to register for annual meetings and professional development workshops

The money you spend on dues goes towards expenses associated with organizing 1-2 scientific meetings a year, holding workshops, and supporting and encouraging students through the annual Student Travel Award and Best Student Paper and Poster competitions. If you have any questions, please contact the Treasurer.