Section 1 – Name and Objectives– The name of this organization shall be the Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter and Society, respectively. The objectives of the Chapter shall be those of the American Fisheries Society as set forth in Article 1 of the Constitution of the American Fisheries Society and to encourage the exchange of information by members of the Society residing or working within Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Rhode Island.
Section 2 – Membership– The membership of the Chapter shall be composed of those Society members in good standing residing or working in Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Rhode Island. Any American Fisheries Society member in good standing, who wishes to become a member of the Chapter, may do so by paying dues according to Section 10. Members of the University of Connecticut Student Subunit and members of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Student Subunit shall be recognized as Chapter members.
Section 3 – Officers-The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, President-Elect, and a Secretary-Treasurer. Officers shall serve for a period of one year in each office. Terms of newly elected officers shall change at the Chapter’s annual business meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at the Chapter’s annual business meeting, as defined in Section 8, and, in turn, shall ascend to the office of President-Elect, and President without election by the membership. If the Secretary-Treasurer cannot assume the responsibilities of President-Elect, the membership will elect a new President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer at its next business meeting. If the President-Elect cannot assume the responsibilities of President, the Secretary-Treasurer will assume that office, and the membership will elect a new President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer at its next business meeting. If a position is vacated during a term of office, the Executive Committee, as defined in Section 5, may appoint a qualified replacement to serve out the term. In the event of a cancellation of an annual meeting, the officers and the members of any committees shall continue to serve until the next scheduled meeting.
Section 4 – Duties of Officers -The President of the Chapter shall preside at all meetings, shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee, shall represent the Chapter to the Northeastern Division and the Society, shall fulfill committee assignments as established by the Executive Committee, as defined in Section 5, make such appointments and perform other duties and functions as are authorized and necessary, and shall advance to the office of Past-President at the end of the term.
The President-Elect shall be the Chapter’s representative to the Division’s Membership Committee, shall prepare the program and moderate the presentations at Chapter meetings, shall fulfill committee assignments as established by the Executive Committee, as defined in Section 5, assume the duties of the President in the event of his/her inability to act, and shall advance to the office of President at the end of the term.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the official records of the Chapter and collect and be custodian of dues and registrations fees collected under Section 10 of these By-Laws and any funds which may be allotted to the Chapter. The Secretary-Treasurer shall fulfill committee assignments as established by the Executive Committee, as defined in Section 5, shall disburse funds as may be authorized and necessary, and shall submit a record of receipts and disbursements at the annual Chapter meeting. He/she shall perform such duties as may be requested by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society and of the Northeastern Division, and shall advance to the office of President-Elect at the end of the term.
Section 5 – Executive Committee-The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall consist of the officers and the immediate Past President. The Committee is authorized to act for the Chapter as constrained by Sections 9 and 11 and to perform appropriate duties and functions.
Section 6 –Chapter Committees-Committees may be created as necessary to conduct Chapter activities. These include Education, Professionalism, Program Development, and Communications. The committee members and Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President. The terms of office for members of Chapter Committees shall end upon the discharge of the duties for which they were appointed, or at the next annual meeting of the Chapter, whichever comes first.
Section 7 – Board of Directors– Committee chairpersons will serve on the Board of Directors to advise the Executive Committee in conducting Chapter business between annual business meetings. In addition, one or more member(s)-at-large will be appointed by the President to serve a one-year term on the Board.
Section 8 – Meetings– The Chapter shall hold at least one business meeting annually at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. The program and presentation shall be the responsibility of the President-Elect.
Section 9 – Voting and Quorum-Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws or the Constitution of the Society, decisions of the Chapter shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Business and voting may be conducted via mail or electronic media approved by the Executive Committee. A quorum at any meeting for the transaction of official business shall be twenty Chapter members.
Section 10 – Dues and Fees- The Executive Committee shall establish annual dues subject to approval of the members voting at the annual meeting. The Executive Committee will assess each registrant attending meetings of the Chapter a registration fee necessary to cover the costs of the meeting and Chapter activities. The registration fee will be higher for registrants who are not members of the Society and lower for students and retirees.
Section 11 – Amendments of the By-Laws -The Bylaws are the defining document for the Chapter and take precedence over all other rules and procedures of the Chapter. The Bylaws cannot be suspended and cannot be changed without prior notice to members. The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of Active Members choosing to vote, provided that the proposed amendment(s) are circulated in writing to the membership at least 30 days prior to voting. In accordance with the Society Constitution, an adopted amendment shall be reviewed by the Society’s Constitutional Consultant for conformity with the Constitution, Rules and Procedures of the Society. The Constitutional Consultant presents the adopted amendment to the Society Management Committee for approval. Amendments take effect when the Unit receives written notice of their approval by the Management Committee from the Executive Director.
Accepted: December 17, 1968 Auburn, Massachusetts
Amended: June 27, 1985 Avery Point, Connecticut
Amended: June 8, 1994 Narragansett, Rhode Island
Amended: June 14, 2006 Fall River, Massachusetts
Amended: June 16, 2016 Providence, Rhode Island