Interested in how our chapter functions?  Here is a link to our current procedural manual: SNEC_Procedural_Manual_2019

This Procedural Manual is intended to serve as a handy reference for Southern New England Chapter (Chapter) officers and Board of Director (BOD) members, particularly for those new in their positions. This document outlines the Chapter policies, organizational structure, leadership responsibilities, and operational details for ongoing Chapter activities. Historically, this information has been passed down by “word of mouth” from one set of officers to the next, but details and unwritten policies frequently get “lost in the cracks.” The annual update of this manual will help to maintain the institutional memory of the Chapter.

While the manual provides guidance, it should be viewed as an annually-updated “living document” that allows for creativity and originality within each office or committee. Each BOD member should annually review their section of the manual each year and recommend necessary changes to improve the performance of their office or committee. The procedural manual is intended to be a dynamic document that changes as Chapter activities and responsibilities evolve.