Summer 2024 SNEC Meeting – June 11, 2024 at the University of Rhode Island Bay Campus

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Program Agenda:
For: The American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter Summer meeting
Date: Tuesday June 11, 2024
Location: University of Rhode Island Bay Campus 215 South Ferry Rd, Narragansett, RI 02882

We are delighted to announce that the Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society will be hosting a one-day science meeting on Tuesday, June 11th at the University of Rhode Island’s Bay Campus in Narragansett, RI. The meeting will feature a plenary talk by Mike Jech, Research Fishery Biology at the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, titled “Ramping up the AI learning curve: ‘Big Data’ applications to fisheries acoustics.”

We highly encourage students to participate in the meeting, which presents an excellent opportunity to share your work and to network with folks from across private, government and non-profit sectors.


Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

8:30-9:00      Registration and Coffee

9:00-9:10      Opening Comments. Corinne Truesdale, SNEC President

9:10-10:10    Plenary Talk

Mike Jech, NOAA/Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Ramping up the AI Learning Curve: ‘Big Data’ applications to fisheries acoustics

10:10- 10:20 Break

10:20-12:00 Oral presentations, Morning Session

10:20   Migratory Patterns of Sand Tiger Sharks (Carcharias taurus) Along the US East Coast.* DeLoof, Bethany, Dewayne Fox, Danielle Haulsee, Jeff Kneebone, Brad Wetherbee

10:40   Temporal patterns and regional comparisons of recruitment rates of United States fish stocks.* Marshall, Rachel C.  Jeremy Collie, Richard Bell, Paul Spencer, Cóilín Minto

11:00   Traces of Life: Investigating trace elements in shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) vertebrae to reconstruct life histories.* Hennessy, Peter, Lisa Natanson,  Joung Shoou-Jeng, Chi-Ju Yu, Malcom Francis, Rui Coelho, Gibson Kesley, Kwang-Ming Liu, Susan Zernike, Nathan R. Miller, Alicia Cruz-Uribe, R.J. David, John A Mohan,

11:20   Using eDNA to estimate seasonal residency of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Saco River.* Tyrrell, Kade, Markus Frederich, John A. Mohan

11:40   Investigating movement patterns and natal origins of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in Maine by linking acoustic telemetry and scale chemistry.*  Gowell, Benjamin, Michael Nguyen, Alexa Cacacie, John Mohan

12:00-12:45 Awards and Business Meeting

12:45-1:45    Lunch

1:45-3:05      Oral Presentations, Afternoon Session I

1:45   Crayfish Sampling in a Connecticut Urban Stream Raises Further Questions on the Distribution and Movement Patterns of our Local Crayfish Species.* Pezzulo, Robert, Dr. Michelle Kraczkowski

2:05   Territorial and occupancy behavior of black sea bass on oyster aquaculture gear and boulder habitat. Conroy, Christian W, Adam D Armbruster, Renee Mercaldo-Allen, Julie M. Rose, Kristen Seda, Paul Clark, Gillian Phillips, Dylan Redman

2:25   Chewing gum and walking: How can we decarbonize the economy while also striving for fishery ecosystem resilience? Schumann, Sarah, Vanessa Sedore

2:45   The fishery-independent surveys of the NEFSC: adapting to offshore wind development. Ford, Kathryn, Peter Chase, Catherine Foley, Madison Hall, Andy Lipsky, Dana Morton

3:05-3:15      Break

3:15-4:55      Oral Presentations, Afternoon Session II

3:15   Spawning phenology of Atlantic herring: analysis of reproductive condition determined on NEFSC bottom trawl surveys. Wuenschel, Mark

3:35   Evaluating objectives and design considerations for a nearshore survey in Long Island Sound. Miller, Michael

3:55-4:10 Closing comments, Abigail Archer, SNEC President

AFS SNEC Winter 2024 Science Meeting Program

SNEC logo slider

A pdf of the program with abstracts can be downloaded here, and the text version of just the schedule is below.


8:30 – 9:00               Registration and Coffee

9:00 – 9:10               Opening Comments. Corinne Truesdale, President

9:10-9:25                  Ontogeny of schooling in larval Atlantic Silversides reared under ocean acidification conditions.* Mouland, Matthew E.P., Max D. Zavell, Jacqueline F. Webb, and Hannes Baumann.

9:25-9:40                  Diet and maternal investment affect larval rockfish condition and survival.* Walsh, Kamran A., Andrew R.Thompson, Garfield Kwan, Brice X. Semmens, H. Will. Fennie, and Rasmus Swalethorp.

9:40-9:55                  Variation in fecundity of Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, and Yellowtail Flounder, Limanda ferruginea: patterns across stocks over ten years. Wuenschel, Mark J., Emilee Tholke, Yvonna Press, W. David McElroy, and Richard S. McBride.

9:55-10:10                Where did the Smallmouth Bass go? Bade, Andrew P., Spencer M. Mallette, and Christopher P. McDowell.

10:10-10:25             CT-DEEP update on Candlewood Lake Grass Carp and vegetation management efforts. Cassone, Joseph and Andrew Bade.

10:25-10:50             Break

10:50-11:05             Energy content of major prey species of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in the Northwest Atlantic as determined by proximate composition analysis. Hobbs, Ethan, Ken Oliveira, Mark Wuenschel, and Tim Sheehan.

11:05-11:20             Characterizing outmigration patterns and downstream passage of landlocked Atlantic Salmon in the Winooski River, Vermont. Heisey, Aaron, Theodore Castro-Santos, Jonah Withers, Kurt Heim, Laurie Earley, and William Ardren.

11:20-11:35             Investigating the size and spawning history of river herring within the Connecticut River over the past decade.* Stephens, Jacqueline, Allison Roy, Adrian Jordaan, Dave Perkins, and Kenneth Sprankle.

11:35-11:50             Comparing juvenile river herring growth and density in freshwater lakes and associated estuaries.* Burgoff, Julian, Allison Roy, and Adrian Jordaan.

11:50-12:05             Is drought the new fad diet? Effect of entrapment on size, body condition, and growth rates of juvenile anadromous alewives.* Burgess, Michael, Katherine King, Ryan Adams, Eric Schultz, and James Knighton.

12:05-13:35             Lunch and Posters

13:35-13:50             Oyster health and restoration in Long Island Sound. Mayo, Isaiah M., Mariah Kachmar, Genevieve Bernatchez, Mark Dixon, LTJG Tyler Houck, Meghana Parikh, and Katie McFarland.

13:50-14:05             A numerical investigation of size selectivity in a modified scallop dredge.* Cowles, Geoff and Sean Boisvert.

14:05-14:20             Using AIS data and machine learning to improve estimates of development exposure for the scallop fishery in Southern New England.* Livermore, Julia.

14:20-14:35             American Lobster and Jonah Crab populations inside and outside the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, USA. Arnott, Stephen A., Michael P. Long, Aubrey Ellertson, and N. David Bethoney.

14:35-15:00             Break

15:00-15:15             Investigating the utility of complementary fixed and random stratified sampling to track marine fish and invertebrate abundance trends . McManus, M. Conor, Chris J. Parkins, and Scott D. Olszewski.

15:15-15:30             Unwrapping the natal origins of coastal Striped Bass. Gahagan, Ben, Nathalie LeBlanc, Scott Pavey, P. Adrian Jordaan, Eric Anderson, and Andrew Whiteley.

15:30-15:45             Accounting for avoidance behavior in fishery catch rates of Atlantic Cod.* Grezlik, Max and Steve Cadrin.

15:45-16:00             Prototype management strategy evaluation for ecosystem-based fisheries management in New England. Guyant, Madeline, Gavin Fay, Lisa Kerr, Emily Liljestrand, Jerelle Jesse, Andrew Applegate, John Pappalardo, and Samuel Truesdell.

16:30-18:00             Social at Graduate Hotel

* Denotes student paper

Presenter name is underlined


P1                               Maternal mercury transfer from pregnant Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) to their pups through ovoviviparous reproduction.** Ajemian, Maxwell R. and David Taylor.

P2                               Chemical analysis of plastics particles in an estuary (Thames River, CT) and the digestive system of seabirds (Tasmania, Australia).** Beauchemin, Elise, Mikasa Lierman, Sadie Olson, Sarah Skurat, Cheyenne Waters, Dr. Karina Mrakovcich, and Dr. Deanna Bergondo.

P3                               Engaging the fishing community to understand disease and reproductive dynamics of the Atlantic Sea Scallop. Brander, Douglas, N. David Bethony, Anna Mercer, and George Maynard.

P4                               Ontogenetic effects of harmful algal blooms and ocean acidification on the Artemia spp.** Candia, Joseph, Christopher J.Gobler, and Konstantine J.Rountos.

P5                               Investigating the diet of endangered sturgeon in the Connecticut River using gastric lavage and eDNA metabarcoding techniques.** Kraczkowski, Michelle, Loren Tardif, and Jacqueline Benway.

P6                               Using fine-scale fishery data to estimate economic impact of wind farms on the Summer Flounder fishery. Marjadi, Meghna N., Anna J. Mercer, Andrew W. Jones, and Steven X. Cadrin.

P7                               Pilot hook and line survey for data continuity in wind energy areas. Mercer, Anna, Dave McElroy, and Katie Viducic.

P8                               Kokanee in Connecticut; the past, present and future. Ransom, Andrew and Brian Eltz.

P9                               Pilot observer program for Rhode Island state waters gillnet fishery. Remick, Abrielle and Nicole Lengyel Costa.

P10                             Launching an expert elicitation exercise to develop a comparative framework of synergies and tradeoffs from a suite of decarbonization solutions on fishery ecosystems.** Sedore, Vanessa and Sarah Schumann.

P11                             Population dynamics and competitive interactions of Channel Catfish in Connecticut lakes and ponds. Shubat, Danielle and Ryan Adams.

P12                             Terrestrial predator visitation patterns at riverscape cold-water thermal refuges.** Sullivan, Christopher J., Chadwick D. Rittenhouse, and Jason C. Vokoun.

P13                             How does adaptation to local conditions affect the ability of gene flow to help widespread species adapt to changing climates along a latitudinal gradient? Wasserman, Ben A. and Mark C. Urban.

P14                             Overwintering growth and lipid accumulation in northern stock Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) juveniles.** Zavell, Max D., Matthew E.P. Mouland, Eric Schultz, and Hannes Baumann.

P15                             New SNEC Logo Ballot

**Denotes student poster

Presenter name is underlined